air messages about

About Air Messages

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About Air Messages


  • Air Messages is a new kind of social network
  • Air Messages main idea is the geospatial communication
  • Users can chat freely and throw messages
  • Users who are close to each other can read the hidden messages
  • If an user picks a message it will disappear. He/She can pick a message only if he/she is in range of ~100km from it and then read the hidden message inside
  • Every user can throw a message away randomly, indeed the messages can travel around the world with users’ help! If a message is very popular…something will happen!
  • There are ten different types of icons to indicate the message presence and the geographical position on the global map
  • Offensive users can be permanently banned from the app, every user can help our team to remove bad contents through the “report” button
  • Users can looking for friends around the globe through “BBM Pin”
  • There is also an Advertising program: Business owners can promote their business with their custom pins for a very special price
  • You can see and explore the world as a game
  • You can share opinions, suggestions, informations especially about places and nations without problems


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What are you waiting for?

“Let’s cover the entire world with our Air Messages”